Some folks play the blues while some write about it and present it as their own because it is. Ray Cashman is the real deal. Growing up on the upper Texas coast, his music is referred to as gulf coast gumbo as it is made up of multiple regional influences both current and from the past. Cashman’s 2007 release, Texassippi Stomp, which featured Jimbo Mathus,(Squirrel Nut Zippers, Buddy Guy) was widely praised and placed on a number of critics year end best of lists for blues recordings. Cashman has toured England, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary and the USA from the Gulf Coast to Canada and sea to shining sea. Cashman has released 9 full studio albums with the latest being 2023 Delta Sound. After living for over 20 years in music cities such as Austin and Nashville, Cashman resides in the birthplace of the Blues, Clarksdale, Mississippi.